Beyond the crusade, part 2 - The Emerald Dream
Another possible expansion could be the Emerald Dream. Blizzard has been working on this area for some time now and an unfinished version is currently in game. Though the means to see the area is known only by the most skilled of explorers. This leads me to believe that the Emerald Dream would be the expansion pack that will come directly after the Burning Crusade. Think Q4 2007.
Of course part of me is pulling toward the fact that the Emerald Dream could just be an instance much like the Caverns of Time. If that is the case it would be massive. the land mass according to lore is the size of Kalimdor before the great implosion of the well of eternity.
The waking Dream of Creation and verdant realm of the Dragon Aspect Ysera. The Emerald Dream, as the realm of the wild, appears to those who travel within it as Azeroth would have appeared without the development of the sentient races. It is what Azeroth would have been if not for humans, elves and other intelligent creatures. This plane shows travelers what their world would be if intelligent races had not cut forests, farmed prairies,diverted rivers and built cities. It is a vision of the world as averdant natural paradise. Verdant forests stretch away in every direction, and rolling hills and majestic mountains mimic Azeroth’s landscape.
Indeed, Azeroth and the Emerald Dream are quasi-duplicates of each other. The Emerald Dream is Azeroth as seen through a magic lens, untouched by the hands of mortals. Indeed, the Emerald Dream is the Azeroth that would not have been split by magic into the two land masses of today - within it is the original greater landmass of Kalimdor,covered in the hazy emerald green forests of aeons past.
Nature is in a perfect balance in the Emerald Dream. Animals of all types inhabit the world, including some that are extinct on Azeroth and subspecies that never got the chance to evolve. Many fey creatures, such as sprites and faerie dragons, also roam the forests. However, it is not only the inhabitant creatures that roam the Dream. Creatures from Azeroth constantly visit, though they may or may not know it. Dreaming creatures arrive in the Emerald Dream and often have prophetic and helpful visions.
Druids enter the plane through their connection with nature. While within the dream, the traveler can, through exercise of will,view the waking world and to a limited extent interact with it (aspresumably all aspects of the world have some connection to the EmeraldDream). Accessing the Emerald Dream via more conventional magic is possible, but the plane’s natives do not look kindly on intruders.
The entire plane is the dominion of Ysera, the mighty green dragon Aspect, and she and her brood ensure that none despoil this paradise. For all its wonder, the Emerald Dream is not without its dangers. Those who visit via their dreams are welcomed and enfolded within the natural balance, but those who bring their physical selves face suspicion and hostility.
The Druid Malfurion Stormrage made use of the Emerald Dream to enter into the palace of Queen Azshara and thwart the plans of Lord Xavius.Ysera herself and a great number of the green dragonflight reside inthe dream either permanently or occassionally, as do the vast majorityof the Night Elf Druids. As part of an ancient pact made between Ysera and Malfurion Stormrage,the druids are required to spend long periods of time sleeping in the Emerald Dream in exchange for their powers over the forces of nature, presumably so that they will better appreciate that which they have pledged themselves to preserve. Recently, strange events have been transpiring within the Emerald Dream and it appears that Malfurion himself may be trapped within its confines.
A darker force has found its way into the Emerald Dream as well. Called The Nightmare,this mobile area of corruption stems from the twisted thoughts and fears of sleeping beings’ subconscious minds. The Nightmare travels slowly through the Emerald Dream, leaving corrupted, vicious animals and Unwaking travelers in its path. None, not even Ysera, knows why the Nightmare exists — nor why its boundaries grow.
Currently in the game is 4 gateways, each of which lead to the Emerald Dream. They are located in Twilight Grove - Duskwood, Seranade - Hinterlands, Dream Bough - Feralas, and Bough Shadow - Ashenvale. View map.
These gateways are guarded by massive green dragons that take a 40 man raid group to defeat. So if it is an instance behind those gates you can expect it to be tuff, If it's another land mass you can bet you'll have to be 60 or above.
The biggest clue that it will be a later expansion is a quote by the Blizzard community manager Nethaera.
Nethaera: "As for the Emerald Dream, there are no plans for anything as of yet but it is a consideration for the future. The Emerald Dream opens up a lot of different opportunities and the Burning Crusade is definitely not going to be the last of the expansion packs. There are many different places and storylines that can be pursued. The story is going to keep growing and as it does so, people will get to experience it." 2006-09-06 08:19:20
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